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Our Guide to Rapid Antigen Testing for Travel

The lockdown lasted for about a year, and it was cumbersome to many people. Thankfully, we are now feeling optimistic and looking forward to making trips abroad while we go on with our lives. We are lucky to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the UK, and as a result, several countries have allowed travellers from the UK to enter their borders. You also need to have a Fit to Fly certificate to enter some of these countries.

In order to get a Fit to Fly certificate, you need to take a rapid antigen test. This brings about the question; what is a rapid antigen test for travel in Northampton?

What is a rapid antigen test?

A rapid antigen test is a COVID-19 test that produces results fast, sometimes in a matter of minutes and always less than an hour. You can do the test yourself through a nasal swab which entails collecting a sample from your throat or nose. Even though the process is often uncomfortable, it’s not painful.

You can also choose to do a PCR test. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test is more detailed and provides a more reliable test compared to the lateral flow test. This is because it examines the RNA found in your cells. The results for our PCR test in Northampton come out in about 24-48 hours. However, it all depends on the laboratory where your test is done.

Is it a must to have a PCR test or a rapid antigen test for travel in Northampton to fly?

It’s important to check the requirements of the country you want to travel to since they change all the time. Some countries have more requirements, but it’s best to have a Fit to Fly certificate. You can get advice and more information about the country you are travelling to here or here.

You can also find out more about our PCR testing services here.

What is a Fit to Fly certificate?

A Fit to Fly certificate contains details such as the day you took the test, the location, the time of the report, and your passport number.

When should I do the rapid antigen test?

It’s advisable to take the test within three days before your scheduled travelling date. Still, you should confirm the requirements of where you are travelling to.

How much does a rapid antigen test cost?

The cost of the test depends on where you get it. Get in touch with us today for more information about our discounted prices.

Where can I get a rapid antigen test for travel in Northampton?

To get your rapid antigen test for travel in Northampton, contact Earls Barton Pharmacy today. You can book your test online now; ensure you book your appointment at least three days prior to your travel date.

Please note that:

  • This test is not fit for those travelling to places that need a negative COVID PCR TEST.
  • This test is only fit for people who are travelling to some areas that need a negative COVID antigen test.
  • You have the responsibility of confirming the entry requirements for the country you are travelling to. Ensure you undertake proper tests to meet the requirements.


Jet off on your travels with a Covid PCR Test in Northampton

Need a Covid PCR test in Northampton? 

Earls Barton Pharmacy has the solution for you. Whether you are looking to head off on a business trip, or are jetting off on a long-awaited family holiday – we are here to help you jet off, with a reliable Covid PCR Test in Northampton. Covid has had a huge impact on travel as an industry, with millions of travel plans being cancelled over the past year. 

However, following the release of the Government’s red, amber and green lists, airlines and countries are starting to reintroduce travel; this is all thanks to the availability of efficient PCR testing such as ours. 

How does a PCR test work? 

PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction; the test is used to detect the active presence of Covid-19 antigens. However, this test cannot be used to detect antibodies, which indicate the body’s immune response to a previous Covid infection.

Explicitly, this test is able to determine whether or not someone has Covid very early on; this is done through its detection of viral RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA is found in the body prior to antibodies developing, as well as prior to symptoms showing. Therefore, this test can accurately indicate who is, and is not, actively infected. This offers countries and airlines more control over the spread of the virus.


Please note: this test is not suitable for those who are currently displaying Covid symptoms, or those who have had symptoms up to 28 days prior to taking the test. If either of these statements describe you, you should instead adhere to Government guidance with regards to self-isolation and testing.

Why do I need to take a PCR test?

Most airlines and countries now require documentation to prove a negative Covid test 48-72 hours prior to travel. Further to the release of the Government’s red, amber and green travel lists, regulations may vary across airlines and countries. Therefore, we advise that you visit the Foreign Office Website for up-to-date guidance before you travel. 

Additionally, you should order your test with us as soon as you can, so that you don’t get caught out before your flight.

Book in with our innovative destination-specific Travel Clinic to make sure you have all the vaccinations you need before you go!

Our Covid PCR Test in Northampton


We can offer a 10% discount for purchases of 3 kits or packages – get in touch to find out more.

Test & Travel Stage Price Green Country Amber Country Red Country
Pre-departure PCR Test (outbound) £109 – Courier Collect Required. Required. Required.
Day 2 & 8 PCR Test (on return to the UK) £159 – via Royal Mail Day 2 test only required. Taken on or before day 2 following return to the UK. Day 2 & Day 8 tests required on return to the UK. Both tests required upon return to the UK.
Day 5 Test to Release (on return to the UK) £89 Not required. Optional on day 5 after return to the UK. Negative result allows you to leave isolation early but day 8 test must still be taken. Not required.
Day 2 & 8 and Pre-departure test package £259 See above See above See above
Pre-departure and day 2 test package £189 See above See above See above
Day 2 test £89 See above See above See above

*Prices subject to change

If you are looking to travel, Earls Barton Pharmacy is here to put your mind at ease. We offer a Covid PCR test in Northampton with a 24-48 hour results turnaround to get you where you need to go, safely and efficiently. Our Covid tests are carried out by yourself; they come in the form of an easy-to-use home testing kit. 

The kits are fully UKAS-accredited; they are supplied by RT Diagnostics Ltd. 

The test will involve swabbing both of your tonsils, or the area where your tonsils would normally be, as well as one nostril. Full instructions will be included within the kit, however we have also included the helpful video guide above for clarification regarding how the test will be carried out. 

Your test includes same day courier collection. This ensures that your results, and subsequent Fit to Fly Certificate, will be emailed back to you within 24-48 hours, following the lab’s receipt of your sample.

Please note: Tests must be completed by 10:30am to be eligible for same-day collection, Monday-Friday.

Further information can be found on our service page.

Don’t get caught out – 

Contact us to book in for your PCR test today!

* It is important to notice that this information is subject to change between airlines and countries; it is your responsibility to monitor travel information before your flight. We cannot be held liable for any changes in legislation.

What Hajj and Umrah Vaccines Do You Need Before Travelling to Saudi Arabia?

Mass gatherings like Hajj and Umrah are associated with considerable health hazards due to the high number of people attending. The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health (MoH) has announced the entrance visa rules and recommendations for pilgrims and seasonal workers planning to attend the forthcoming Hajj and Umrah festivals in early summer. Year to year, the requirements and suggestions may change. Keep reading to learn more about Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Northampton.

Every year, around 3 million Muslims from all over the world visit Mecca for Hajj. If they can afford it and are well enough, all ready and willing adult Muslims are obliged to do Hajj at least once in a lifetime. On April 9, 2022, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah declared that the number of pilgrims allowed to perform Hajj 20221443H will be limited to one million international and domestic pilgrims, with each nation receiving a quota of pilgrims allowed to enter Saudi Arabia.

Umrah is a shorter, non-compulsory Muslim pilgrimage that can be conducted at any time as part of the Hajj rite. Citizens of the United Kingdom who are thinking about doing Umrah should keep an eye on the FCDO’s official social media outlets as well as local authorities’ advice. Making preparations for a pilgrimage including Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Northampton

Making preparations for a pilgrimage including Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Northampton

Due to the large distances that must be traversed in intense heat, the Hajj ceremonies are difficult to accomplish. Pilgrims should confirm that they are fit and healthy before going on a pilgrimage, and anyone with pre-existing medical concerns should consult their local pharmacy or GP. They should carry enough medication for the period of their journey, including additional doses in the event of a delay, as well as a duplicate of their prescription. Make sure you order your meds with us in plenty of time.

Vaccines for the Hajj and Umrah

The below set of guidelines is based on past years’ requirements for Hajj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

Do you need the meningitis vaccine for Umrah?

Anyone performing Hajj or Umrah, or working seasonally must show proof of meningococcal disease immunisation (proof of a vaccination certificate). The certificate should include information about the vaccine.

Polio vaccine

Travellers from nations with active transmission of cVDPV2 (circulating wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus) and those at risk of polio reintroduction should have a valid polio vaccination certificate, according to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health.

Hepatitis B vaccine

Hepatitis B is spread through the skin and through sexual contact. When infected medical, dental, or other devices are used, percutaneous transmission can happen; all pilgrims should contemplate being vaccinated against hepatitis B before leaving to avoid contracting the disease.


In Saudi Arabia, rabies is a threat. Pilgrims should be warned of the dangers of coming into contact with both domestic and wild animals, as well as being recommended to seek medical help immediately if bitten, licked, or scratched.


Influenza is spread through the lungs or by coming in contact with contaminated surfaces where the virus has been introduced by coughing or sneezing. It is easily transferred in densely populated places.

Do you need Covid vaccinations as one of the Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Northampton to go to Saudia Arabia?

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah decreed on April 9, 2022, that pilgrims performing Hajj must produce documentation concerning:

  • COVID-19 vaccination confirmed and verified by the Saudi Ministry of Health.
  • A COVID-19 PCR test result that was negative within 72 hours before leaving for Saudi Arabia.

Before travelling, residents and tourists must fill out a Registration Immunisation Form on the Muqeem Portal.

Get in touch or visit us today to get your Hajj and Umrah vaccines.

Travel Clinic Services Contact Us

How Do You Check and Control Your Blood Pressure?

Testing your blood pressure is the only way to determine whether it is high or low. In order to effectively manage high blood pressure, it is necessary to comprehend your results. Continue reading to find out how to get a free blood pressure check in Northampton.

What are the types of blood pressure?

The British Heart Foundation has categorised blood pressure into five ranges:


Normal blood pressure levels are considered to be less than 120/80 mm Hg.


Regular blood pressure readings between 120 and 129 systolic and below 80 mm Hg diastolic are considered elevated.

Stage 1 Hypertension

When blood pressure fluctuates regularly between 130 – 139 systolic and 80 – 89 diastolic mm Hg, it is regarded as stage 1 hypertension.

Stage 2 Hypertension

Consistent blood pressure readings of 140/90 mm Hg or higher indicate that you may have stage 2 hypertension.

Hypertension Crisis

Hypertension of this severity requires medical treatment. If your blood pressure suddenly increases above 180/120 mm Hg, wait 5 minutes before taking another reading. Consult your physician immediately if your readings remain excessively elevated. You may be experiencing a hypertension emergency. You can also call NHS 111 for medical assistance.

How to get a free blood pressure check in Northampton

If your pharmacist feels that you have hypertension, they may suggest 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). With ABPM, your blood pressure is tracked for 24 hours with a cuff that is connected to a portable device that you wear around your waist.

During this time, you are free to pursue your typical activities. You can purchase a device to regularly measure your blood pressure regularly for peace of mind as well.

Does the pharmacy offer a free blood pressure check in Northampton?

Scheduling a blood pressure test is simple. Simply contact us to make an appointment. The checks should be free in the majority of cases, so it is worthwhile to visit your pharmacy. However, you must contact them beforehand in order to schedule an appointment.

How can you lower your blood pressure?

Here are some of the effective ways you can lower your blood pressure.

Lifestyle changes

Certain alterations to your lifestyle can help reduce your blood pressure. Some of these will help you reach your goals in a few weeks, while others will take a bit longer.

Make an attempt to:

  • Limit your daily salt intake to less than 6 grams (0.2 ounces), or about a teaspoon.
  • Consume a low-fat, well-balanced diet that is abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Manage your weight – use the NHS BMI calculator to figure out your ideal weight and how to lose weight if you’re overweight.
  • Remain physically active by exercising frequently.
  • Learn how to drink less alcohol by keeping a drinking diary and tracking your intake.
  • Limit your caffeine consumption (found in coffee, cola, and tea).
  • Stop smoking with professional assistance.

Regardless of whether you are on blood pressure medication or not, you can begin taking these steps as soon as possible.

High-blood-pressure medications

Various drugs can be used to control high blood pressure.

Many individuals require a combination of drugs for optimal effectiveness.

  • If you are under 55 years old, you will likely be prescribed an angiotensin-2 receptor blocker or an ACE inhibitor.
  • You will almost always be prescribed a calcium channel blocker if you are 55 and above, or if you are of African or Caribbean origin.

There is a possibility that you will need to take blood pressure medication for the rest of your life. Your pharmacist may be able to reduce or terminate your treatment if your blood pressure remains under control for a number of years.

Visit us today to get your blood pressure tested.


Earls Barton Testing Bundle

If you are looking to head off on your holidays, you will now need to consider Covid testing as part of your travel preparations. However, there is no need to worry – our Fit to Fly Antigen and Day 2 PCR testing bundle in Northampton is here to help.

Why do I need a Fit to Fly Antigen & Day 2 PCR test in Northampton?

Fit to Fly Antigen tests are used as proof of a negative result to enter certain countries. You should ensure that you are up-to-date with the regulations for your destination before you travel.

Day 2 PCR tests are required by the Government guidelines for those returning to England. If you are fully vaccinated and returning from a green list country, you must take a test on your return. The test must be done before the end of day 2 and you must isolate until you receive a negative result.

Our Fit to Fly Antigen & Day 2 PCR tests in Northampton

PRICE: £169 for both

Fit to Fly Rapid Antigen test

You can jet off in 5 simple steps:

  1. Check if your destination accepts antigen tests in advance.
  2. Call us to book your appointment.
  3. Complete this form with all of your information before your test (double-check that your details are correct before submitting).
  4. Self-administer your swab at the pharmacy, using a spit sample or a swab from your tonsils (or where they would normally be), and one nostril.
  5. Your results, and subsequent Fit to Fly certificate, will be emailed to you within 15 minutes.

You can find out more about rapid antigen testing here: learn more


Day 2 PCR test

Get your results in 5 simple steps:

  • Pay for a kit online here, or call us to book.
  • Register your kit (instructions will be provided) to get your test booking reference.
  • Collect your kit from us.
  • Complete your swab before the end of day 2 after arrival.
  • Get same-day results if you drop your sample directly at the lab, or 24-48 hour results if sent through a Royal Mail Priority postbox.

We can also complete the form for you, however we will need your information (a charge will apply).

You can find out more about day 2 testing here: Find out more

Call us to book your stress-free testing bundle today! Book Now

5 Things Your Pharmacy Can Help With Today

It’s a common misconception that pharmacies are solely for ordering and picking up prescriptions. In reality, they are valuable one-stop healthcare hubs, often serving as a convenient alternative to booking a GP appointment.

Visiting your local pharmacy is the perfect way to meet the whole family’s everyday healthcare needs quickly and easily, whilst granting yourself the peace of mind that you’re getting all the expert help and advice you need.

How can a Pharmacy Help me?

Each pharmacy has its own range of useful specialist services. For For example, at Earls Barton pharmacy in Northampton, we’re committed to aiding our customers with everything from smoking cessation and weight loss to earwax removal and erectile dysfunction.

Here are 5 Ways Your Local Pharmacy can Help you:

  • Travel Clinic. Particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, attending a travel clinic prior to your next overseas trip is a brilliant idea. Your local pharmacy can help you get all the vaccinations you need (if any), whilst offering general travel health advice tailored to your personal medical needs and chosen destination.
  • COVID-19 Testing. Free lateral flow tests for COVID-19 can be accessed at most pharmacies, as can a range of PCR tests that may be required for travel. Attend a travel clinic to find out how we can help you get the right PCR tests at the right times to ensure your trip runs smoothly.
  • Emergency Contraceptives. As the ‘morning-after pill is best taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, this convenient pharmacy service is particularly useful. Two emergency hormonal contraceptives are currently available in the UK – one can be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, and the other for up to 120 hours. A pharmacist can advise you on which is most suitable and provide you with the pill in one swift, hassle-free consultation.
  • Flu Vaccination. If you’re eligible for the flu vaccine, it’s quick and easy to book an appointment at your local Northampton pharmacy. If you don’t know whether you’re eligible for the vaccine or aren’t sure if it’s right for you, you can call in and speak to a pharmacist for tailored advice.
  • General Health Advice. Your local Northampton pharmacy can help with a wide range of health issues. Our friendly pharmacists are always happy to offer expert advice, recommending products for certain conditions or signposting you towards other helpful services you might benefit from.

Now you’re well clued up on the diverse range of services your pharmacy can offer, why not drop into our store in Northampton to see how we can help you?

Your local pharmacy truly is a one-stop healthcare hub – the perfect place to meet all your health needs in one convenient trip! Alternatively, you can explore our services page to find a comprehensive list of everything we can help with here at Earls Barton pharmacy.

Ear wax removal service

In the UK it is estimated that around 3.9% of the population require management of ear wax each year.

Many people have to wait months for treatment, or simply resign themselves to living with their condition, unaware that they could receive treatment at their local pharmacy with the help of the TympaHealth system.

The current waiting time to access wax removal services in the NHS is 16-124 weeks. Therefore, Earls Barton pharmacy’s ability to offer ear diagnostics, wax removal & other services is a major benefit for the local community & other existing healthcare services.

Making these services more accessible not only improves treatment pathways, but it also removes the hassle of attending GP and hospital appointments & lessens the strain on NHS resources. The importance of good hearing health: Good ear & hearing health is important to people of all ages and helps us get the most out of life.


Ear Wax Removal Service

– Consultation fee (no wax found/microsuction not needed): £15
– Ear Microsuction for both ears: £50

You will be required to pay in full at the pharmacy immediately prior to the procedure taking place.


Our hearing can be affected by many factors, including age, the build-up of wax & the misuse of cotton buds & in-ear headphones. If our ability to hear deteriorates it requires more energy to listen & participate in daily life so we become tired and, in some cases, socially withdrawn. Hearing loss is known to be the single largest modifiable risk factor for the prevention of dementia. Signs to look out for: There are a range of signs to watch out for which could indicate you have an ear or hearing problem. Loss of hearing, earache, discomfort, discharge, ears feeling full, ringing, itching, loss of balance, dizziness & coughing can all be signs that a change has occurred in your ears & you should get them checked. Simple diagnosis & treatment: Today, thanks to modern technology, there are medical treatments and procedures that can quickly diagnose ear & hearing conditions. Infections & skin conditions as well as excessive & compacted wax can be identified & treated quickly & painlessly at a local pharmacy.

Once wax has been removed a hearing screening can be performed. This will identify any hearing issues & whether you require further treatment. However, in many cases, the initial problem could’ve simply been down to the presence of wax itself. The importance of good ear & hearing health Recent advancements in medical technology now means that ear & hearing screening, as well as other basic procedures, can now be performed in local clinics, pharmacies, care homes or even within the home. During an examination, high definition images & video of the inner ear can be recorded & shared with specialist doctors anywhere in the world. Quick screen process

It only takes around 15 minutes to examine a patient & identify any issues within the ear. Then, if necessary, a fast & painless procedure can be undertaken to clear the ear of any debris or built up wax which can immediately improve hearing capabilities. Trained staff & advanced equipment are required to perform a hearing screening, record images, remove wax & diagnose an ear condition. Our staff are expertly trained to use the latest TympaHealth system to deliver the best service & care possible.